What is Elementor? (Review)
Several years ago, WordPress page builders appeared. For some of them you probably heard – WPBakery, Divi, Site Origin, Beaver Builder, Thrive Architect … However, with the appearance of Elementor, the situation changed drastically for the better. First, the speed and flexibility of the work has been improved. Due to its popularity, Elementor has encouraged independent WordPress developers to develop additional content and elements that are used as Elementor addons.
When should you use a page builder?
Use of page bilders is massive – from people who first come into contact with WordPress to top developers who build themes, add-ons. In order to give a straight answer – check out the advertisement for Divi builder that briefly explains the whole story.
The biggest advantage of page builder (also called visual editor) is the ability to have a real-time view what you create on a web page. In case you write code, the process is longer and more extensive. However, reaching a quality site with a page builder is not easy. It is necessary to properly set up content, adjust appearance, and do the optimization.
What should I know about web-page content building?
If you put up a great text on your site, it will surely be read. However, the important question is – when and how often. It’s the WordPress platform in combination with some of the page builders (in this case – Elementor) that gives you possibility to handle content.
When creating content, you should keep in mind the following:
Text and content
You’re searching for information on the Internet. Imagine a page with a large amount of images, extremely small text and different colors. You’ll skip that. The human eye likes black-and-white text. Readers respond best to clear text with lower amount of photos and effects.
Page builders give you the possibility of content systematization. The goal is to find specific titles and adjust it to reader’s eyes. On the other hand, you must not overdo it. It’s important to keep in mind that search engine optimization (SEO) is important. Start from the keywords at the right place. In case its too complicated, leave it to your web-design agency.
Stay on topic!
There are no doubts, you have to talk exclusively about the title. You risk losing the reader if you start talking off-topic.
All that design
We come to the aspect that is most improved by page builders, especially Elementor. Text, photo and basic animation options have been fully enhanced. Now you are able to create content that is precise and visually pleasing.
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